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UTF-8인코딩 및 디코딩 관련 함수 (URLEncodeUTF8,URLDecodeUTF8)


ASP뉴스그룹의 멍멍이님께서 작성하신 함수 인데 퍼왔슴다.. ^^

요즘 PC팔고 계시다는데.. 장사 잘되시길 바랍니다..ㅋㅋ


Public Function URLEncodeUTF8(byVal szSource)

Dim szChar, WideChar, nLength, i, result
nLength = Len(szSource)

'szSource = Replace(szSource," ","+")

For i = 1 To nLength
 szChar = Mid(szSource, i, 1)

 If Asc(szChar) < 0 Then             
  WideChar = CLng(AscB(MidB(szChar, 2, 1))) * 256 + AscB(MidB(szChar, 1, 1))

  If (WideChar And &HFF80) = 0 Then
   result = result & "%" & Hex(WideChar)
  ElseIf (WideChar And &HF000) = 0 Then
   result = result & _
   "%" & Hex(CInt((WideChar And &HFFC0) / 64) Or &HC0) & _
   "%" & Hex(WideChar And &H3F Or &H80)
   result = result & _
   "%" & Hex(CInt((WideChar And &HF000) / 4096) Or &HE0) & _
   "%" & Hex(CInt((WideChar And &HFFC0) / 64) And &H3F Or &H80) & _
   "%" & Hex(WideChar And &H3F Or &H80)
  End If
  result = result + szChar
 End If
URLEncodeUTF8 = result
End Function

' URLDecodeUTF8 (UTF8 --> 아스키 )
' mongmong - 2003. 10 (URLEncodeUTF8 참조)

Public Function URLDecodeUTF8(byVal pURL)
Dim i, s1, s2, s3, u1, u2, result
pURL = Replace(pURL,"+"," ")

For i = 1 to Len(pURL)

 if Mid(pURL, i, 1) = "%" then

  s1 = CLng("&H" & Mid(pURL, i + 1, 2))

  '2바이트일 경우
  if ((s1 AND &HC0) = &HC0) AND ((s1 AND &HE0) <> &HE0) then
   s2 = CLng("&H" & Mid(pURL, i + 4, 2))

   u1 = (s1 AND &H1C) / &H04
   u2 = ((s1 AND &H03) * &H04 + ((s2 AND &H30) / &H10)) * &H10
   u2 = u2 + (s2 AND &H0F)
   result = result & ChrW((u1 * &H100) + u2)
   i = i + 5

  '3바이트일 경우
  elseif (s1 AND &HE0 = &HE0) then
   s2 = CLng("&H" & Mid(pURL, i + 4, 2))
   s3 = CLng("&H" & Mid(pURL, i + 7, 2))

   u1 = ((s1 AND &H0F) * &H10)
   u1 = u1 + ((s2 AND &H3C) / &H04)
   u2 = ((s2 AND &H03) * &H04 +  (s3 AND &H30) / &H10) * &H10
   u2 = u2 + (s3 AND &H0F)
   result = result & ChrW((u1 * &H100) + u2)
   i = i + 8
  end if
  result = result & Mid(pURL, i, 1)
 end if
URLDecodeUTF8 = result
End Function


[출처] http://flashcafe.org/3949